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528 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Classic Teachings on the Nature of God

Sproul, R C
Classic Teachings on the Nature of God
R. C. Sproul has committed his life to clearly communicating deep, practical truths from God's Word to students and laypeople. His lucid teaching style brings clarity to the most difficult--and often contentious--biblical and theological questions. Gathered here in one volume are three of his best-selling books--over $40 worth of reading at a great low price.From Rudolf Otto's" mysterium tremendum" to Martin Luther's "insanity"and Jonathan Edw...

¡qué Buena Pregunta!

Sproul, R C
¡qué Buena Pregunta!
En forma practica e ingeniosa, y con un enfoque experimentado y sensato de la Palabra de Dios, el Dr. R. C. Sproul aborda mas de 300 preguntas frecuentes formuladas por gente interesada en la fe y la vida cristiana. In a personable, easy-to-read style, and an experienced and sensible approach to the Word of God, Dr. R. C. Sproul addresses more than 300 common questions asked by people interested in faith and Christian living.

Now, That's a Good Question

Sproul, R C
Now, That's a Good Question
R.C. Sproul, a distinguished theologian and educator, addresses doctrinal points and contemporary issues such as euthanasia, evolution, and abortion.

Are We Together?

Sproul, R C
Are We Together?
In recent years, some evangelical Protestant leaders have signed statements pledging themselves to joint social action with Roman Catholics. Others have refused to participate, declaring that, in their view, the statements went too far, touching on the gospel, which remains a point of disagreement between Protestants and Roman Catholics. Many evangelical Christians have found themselves confused by the different directions taken by their leade...

CHF 17.90

Surprised by Suffering

Sproul, R C
Surprised by Suffering
Suffering often seems to catch us by surprise. One day we are healthy, comfortable, and happy. The next we find ourselves ill or injured, struggling, and distraught. The pain that invades our lives may come from our own suffering or that of a loved one. But no matter the source, we didn't see it coming. All too often, our perplexity prompts us to suspect God of wrongdoing. In this classic book, republished in a revised and expanded edition, Dr...

CHF 17.90

Knowing Scripture

Sproul, R. C.
Knowing Scripture
PRACTICAL TOOLS FOR INTERPRETING THE BIBLE The Bible is the written Word of God, and it is treasured in many of our homes. But it is also an ancient book about people and cultures very different from us. Thus, while we know we should read it, many of us don't because we have a hard time understanding the Bible. In this updated edition of Knowing Scripture, R.C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. The author says, ''...

CHF 41.50

The Lightlings

Sproul, R C
The Lightlings
In The Lightlings, Dr. R.C. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption. A race of tiny beings known as lightlings represent humanity as they pass through all the stages of the biblical dramacreation, fall, and redemption. In the end, children will understand why some people fear light more than darkness, but why they need never fear darkness again. Richly detailed illustrations by Justin Ger...

Die Heiligkeit Gottes

Sproul, R. C. / Müller, Ruth
Die Heiligkeit Gottes
Die Heiligkeit gehört zu den vernachlässigten Wesenszügen Gottes. Heute wird viel von seiner Liebe gesprochen, aber seine Heiligkeit findet nur selten unsere Aufmerksamkeit. In diesem Werk wird gezeigt, warum Menschen zu dem heiligen Gott hingezogen werden und dabei gleichzeitig bis ins Innerste vor ihm erschrecken. Der Autor untersucht darin auf dem Hintergrund der Heiligkeit Gottes biblische Zusammenhänge und verschiedene geschichtliche Erei...

CHF 11.50


Sproul, R C
The book of Ephesians is cherished for its doctrinal depths and devotional beauty. Paul's letter sets before us the blessings of salvation: new life in Jesus Christ and a new family in His church. As we read the prayers and doxologies woven through its verses, we see how the grace of God stirs us to lives of worship and gratitude. In this volume, Dr. R.C. Sproul delves into the rich teaching, praises, and exhortations contained in one of his f...

CHF 24.50

Lutero Y La Reforma: Cómo Un Monje Descubrió El Evangelio...

Sproul, R C
Lutero Y La Reforma: Cómo Un Monje Descubrió El Evangelio, Spanish Edition
«Lutero afirmó que la doctrina de la justificación por la fe sola es el artículo sobre el cual la iglesia se sostiene o cae y que este tema tiene que ver con la esencia misma de la enseñanza bíblica de la salvación». --R.C. Sproul ------ «Hoy en día, Martín Lutero es conocido como el hombre que se enfrentó a papas y emperadores en defensa del evangelio. ¿Qué llevó a este solitario monje alemán a desafiar a la Iglesia católica romana? No fue la...

CHF 20.50

Hard Sayings

Sproul, R C
Hard Sayings
God gave us His Word so that we may know Him and live by His truth. So, what should we do when we're reading the Bible and a difficult passage stops us in our tracks? Sometimes the solution is right there on the page--if we know where to look--while other passages gain clarity in light of the rest of the Bible or its historical background. With the help of an experienced guide, we can overcome the obstacles to our progress and know God's Word ...

CHF 25.90

The Advent of Glory

Sproul, R C
The Advent of Glory
These straightforward, short and profound Advent readings have been edited from talks given by much-loved Bible teacher, R.C. Sproul, helping readers to benefit from his enduring insight and wisdom. They delve into the details of the Christmas story and reflect on how these impact our lives now, combining scholarly detail with heartwarming application. Each day also includes a prayer written by a well-known Bible teacher of our own day, to gui...

CHF 23.50

Wie erkenne ich den Willen Gottes?

Sproul, R. C.
Wie erkenne ich den Willen Gottes?
Christen sollten - unabhängig von den Lebensumständen - danach streben, ein Leben zu führen, das Gott gefällt. Aber insbesondere wenn wir vor wichtigen Lebensentscheidungen steht, fragen wir uns oft, was Gott von uns will. In diesem Buch umreißt R.C. Sproul zeitlose Prinzipien, die helfen können, Gottes Willen bei täglichen Entscheidungen herauszufinden und zu tun. Er zeigt auf, wie diese Prinzipien zwei wichtige Lebensentscheidungen beeinflus...

CHF 10.50

Escogidos Por Dios, Spanish Edition

Sproul, R C
Escogidos Por Dios, Spanish Edition
Escogemos a Dios porque Él abrió nuestros ojos para ver Su belleza. Lo amamos porque Él nos amó primero.Según R.C. Sproul, la predestinación no es solo para los calvinistas, sino para «todos» los cristianos bíblicos. En esta edición actualizada y ampliada de Escogidos por Dios, Sproul muestra que la doctrina de la predestinación no crea una imagen caprichosa o rencorosa de Dios, sino que pinta el retrato de un Dios amoroso que provee redención...

CHF 25.90